
Discover the digital world of fashion: Workshops with me, Anbelyn.

Die Modebranche befindet sich im ständigen Wandel, und durch die rasante Digitalisierung eröffnen sich neue Horizonte: Virtuelle Modeschauen, 3D-simulierte Kleidungsstücke und digitale Showrooms werden zunehmend zum Alltag. Mit meinen maßgeschneiderten Workshops biete ich dir tiefe Einblicke, praktische Schulungen und Expertenkenntnisse in die aufregende Welt der digitalen Mode.

Ob du bereits in der Modebranche tätig bist und deine Fähigkeiten erweitern möchtest oder einfach neugierig auf die Zukunft der Mode bist – meine Workshops sind perfekt für jeden, der seine kreativen Visionen in beeindruckende digitale Realitäten verwandeln möchte. Du hast die Wahl: Kaufe die Kurse als detaillierte Video-Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen direkt auf meiner Webseite, um sie in deinem eigenen Tempo zu absolvieren, oder buche einen Remote-Workshop an der Modefachschule Sigmaringen, bei dem ich dir alles persönlich erkläre.

Komm mit mir auf diese spannende Reise und werde Teil der digitalen Modebewegung. Lerne, wie du deine Designs mit modernster Technologie zum Leben erweckst und die Grenzen der Kreativität neu definierst.

Join me on this exciting journey and learn how to transform your creative visions into impressive digital realities.

Die Zukunft der Mode: Gestalte sie mit Clo3D! Grundlagenworkshop (live)

Do you want to design sustainable clothing, regardless of your location? Are you looking for a way to quickly visualize your designs without investing in costly fittings? Do you want to create impressive imagery for marketing and social media and test various design variations? Then you've come to the right place with me, Anbelyn! Dive into the digital fashion world with Clo3D and make your fashion visions a reality.

Registration & Fees:

Content of the Workshop:

  • User Interface and the fundamentals of the Clo3D software.
  • Various methods of pattern development.
  • Textures, graphics, and materials.
  • Creation of your own designs.
  • Editing the avatar (appearance, dimensions, pose).
  • Fit assessment and production-ready patterns (including grading).
  • Technical drawings and tech pack in Clo3D.
  • Renderings and animations for e-commerce & advertising campaigns.
  • Integration with other software (DXF, Daz3D, Mixamo, Substance).
  • Introduction to CloConnect.
  • Supplementary materials: Videos in German with various exercises (e.g.: creating folds, eyelets and lacing, wind animation).

What you should bring: A 3-button mouse and the Clo3D software (the free trial month fits perfectly with the workshop timeframe).

Kreiere dein eigenes Kleid: 3D-Simulations-Workshop mit CLO3D (live)

Discover the revolutionary future of dressmaking in my 3D simulation workshop. Using the CLO3D software, you can bring your own dress to life, design it, and customize it to your liking. Even if the workshop "The Future of Fashion: Shape it with Clo3D" is recommended, you can join without any prior knowledge. As a result, you'll receive a 3D pattern that you can also sew in reality.

Registration & Fees:

Content of the Workshop:

  • Avatar Creation: Create an avatar with your individual measurements in CLO3D.
  • Basic Pattern Design: Design the basic pattern for your dress.
  • Customization: Adjust the basic pattern according to your preferences.
  • Finalization: Receive a production-ready pattern, complete with seam allowance, markings, and labeling.
  • Pattern layout image: Create a detailed pattern layout image.
  • Print Preparation: Prepare the pattern for printing.
  • Rendering: Bereite dein Kleid für eindrucksvolle Renderings vor.
  • Media Design: Create image or video content for advertising and presentation.
  • Social Media Tips: Learn how to showcase your designs effectively on Instagram.

Dive into the future of fashion with me and become an active part of it!

Deine eigene Kollektion mit KI: Workshop mit CLO3D und ChatGPT (live)

Entdecke die Zukunft der Modegestaltung! Lerne, wie Du mit CLO3D und KI-Tools wie ChatGPT Deine eigene Kollektion entwickelst, umsetzt und auf Instagram vermarktest.

Voraussetzung: Teilnahme am Workshop „Die Zukunft der Mode: Gestalte sie mit CLO3D“.

Warum dieser Workshop? Erlebe die revolutionären Möglichkeiten der KI-gestützten Modegestaltung und entdecke neue kreative und berufliche Chancen.



  • Klassische Kollektionserstellung: Entwickelt eine Kollektion nach euren bewährten Methoden.
  • Effizienz durch KI: Nutzt KI-Tools, um Designs effektiver und effizienter zu erstellen.
  • 3D-Umsetzung: Setzt ein Design in 3D mit CLO3D um.
  • KI-gestützte Prints und Stoffe: Erstellt individuelle Prints und Stoffe mithilfe von KI.
  • Realistischer 3D-Avatar: Tauscht den 3D-Avatar nach dem Rendern mittels KI durch einen realistischen Avatar aus.
  • Social Media Marketing: Erstellt mit KI ansprechende Beschreibungen und Inhalte für die Vermarktung auf Social Media.

Registration & Fees:

Content of the Workshop:

  • Avatar Creation: Create an avatar with your individual measurements in CLO3D.
  • Basic Pattern Design: Design the basic pattern for your dress.
  • Customization: Adjust the basic pattern according to your preferences.
  • Finalization: Receive a production-ready pattern, complete with seam allowance, markings, and labeling.
  • Pattern layout image: Create a detailed pattern layout image.
  • Print Preparation: Prepare the pattern for printing.
  • Rendering: Bereite dein Kleid für eindrucksvolle Renderings vor.
  • Media Design: Create image or video content for advertising and presentation.
  • Social Media Tips: Learn how to showcase your designs effectively on Instagram.

Dive into the future of fashion with me and become an active part of it!

Vortrag 3D Simulation in der Modebranche: Innovationen und Perspektiven mit CLO3D (live)

In an increasingly digital world, 3D simulation in the fashion industry offers groundbreaking innovations and perspectives. If you've ever wanted to know what Clo3D is, what opportunities it opens up, and how it's revolutionizing the fashion sector, then this lecture is perfect for you!

Registration & Fees:

At the Modefachschule Sigmaringen

Content of the lecture:

  • 3D Simulation in Fashion.What is it, and why is it revolutionary?
  • Advantages and disadvantages.What impact does 3D simulation have on sustainability and the fashion industry in general?
  • Career opportunities.What new career opportunities arise from 3D simulation, both for companies and freelancers?
  • Intersection between fashion and gaming.How can the fashion industry tap into the booming gaming market?
  • Introduction to the Metaverse and NFTs.Discover what they are and the role they could play in the future fashion industry.
  • Overview of 3D software.What tools does Clo3D offer, and what other programs like Mixamo, Substance, and Blender are relevant in the industry?

Conclusion: Dive into the exciting world of 3D simulation in fashion with me and discover the fascinating opportunities it offers to both you and the industry as a whole.

Vortrag Revolutionäre Fusion: Wie KI die Zukunft der Mode gestaltet (live)

Welcome to the exciting intersection of fashion and technology! In this lecture, I will guide you through the groundbreaking applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the fashion industry and demonstrate how it is shaping the future of the fashion sector.

Registration & Fees:

At the Modefachschule Sigmaringen

Content of the lecture:

  • Significance of AI:Learn how AI influences the economy and, specifically, fashion companies.
  • AI in fashion practice:Dive into the practical applications of AI, from design to marketing to 3D modeling.
  • Challenges:Discover the potential drawbacks and challenges of integrating AI into the fashion industry.
  • For self-employed fashion designers:Learn about AI technologies like DALL·E and ChatGPT and how they can enhance efficiency and creativity.
  • For students in the fashion industry:Discover how AI can be used in research projects, 3D modeling, mood board creation, and idea generation.
  • Future prospects:: Wirf einen Blick auf potenzielle Karrieremöglichkeiten in einem von KI geprägten Modeumfeld.

With the rapid advancement of AI, the fashion industry is entering exciting times. Join me on this journey and discover how AI is redefining the boundaries of what is possible in the fashion sector!

I'm here for you!

Do you have questions or need more information? I'm here to help. Don't hesitate to contact me and become part of my vibrant and sustainable community.